Steve Hurley's Heavy Drinking Zone

Top 10 Boozers in Beeston (unless specified)
The Bates Motel is currently the number one boozer, with friendly staff, special offers and a wide selection of rooms if you get lucky. Norman's mum is a charming hostess.
The Bottesford Bar Cheap with funky lighting, loud music and drinking competitions.
The Greyhound Special offers every Thursday and Sunday, and is occasionally open until midnight for the hardened alcoholic. Excellent DJ.
The White Lion Friendly landlord called Sid, function room, nice interior, good beer, pool table and the 'PSYCHO CASH BEAST' fruit machine.
The Durham Ox Loud music, good beer and they have a pool table, not to mention 'THE SIMPSONS' fruit machine.
The Prince of Wales You can take in your own food, it is sometimes open until midnight and it has the 'FRENZY' fruit machine.
The Hop Pole Very good beer although the lights are too bright.  Well situated to aid a pub crawl.
The Bakery Wine Bar Drinking ground for underage minger, has a function room and wicked chairs.
The Chequers Inn (Stapleford) Good beer, quite friendly bar staff and a FREE jukebox in the pool room. It is a bit far away and the lights are too bright.
The Malt Shovel Hidden down a sidestreet, this boozer has quite poor beer and no women under 50, although it does lock-ins for regulars. 

A Classic Pub Crawl
Rules of engagement:

The route:
1) The Cadland
2) The Charlton Arms
3) The Hop Pole
4) The Wine Bar
5) The Durham Ox
6) The Greyhound
7) The Prince of Wales
then, if you still can,
8) The Beech Tree
9) The Three Horse Shoes
The last two boozers are normally for drinking whisky