Pictures For January
A group shot- Nick, Laura, Mel, Zoe, Stan
dear.... drunkeness... Nick, Zoe, Laura, Mel and Spanner. Stan & Paul
in background
Some kind of magical dancing! Drunken by now.... (notice Martin
on the left clutching his litre bottle of vodka? He drank the lot in 4
A pile of bodies!
To the left Nick crushes Zoe (but she loved it! Joke, joke....) and to
the right Paul sucks Linda's face... Slurrrrppppppp!!!!!!
It's Laura! It's Ratted!
On the same theme
as Laura.. ratted and dancing! It's Zoe!
Laura can't help herself... Nick is powerless.... To the left a
naked back of Mat- what is he doing?
Stomachs churning yet? Uggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Nick has had too much vodka.... but Zoe is there sober and sensible...
yeah right!!
Mel's having trouble staying upright... Zoe is mad.... and Stan.....
I dunno!!